123/124 - 5589 Byrne Rd, Burnaby, BC
4,630 ft²Industrial$34.20/sf/yrLease
4,630 ft²
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Main Floor Showroom/Warehouse - Byrne Road exposure - HVAC throughout - Large open area showroom/office areas - High ceiling warehouse - Two (2) grade level loading doors - Excellent glazing - Coffee bar and sink - One (1) private washroom Second Floor Office - HVAC throughout - Six (6) private offices - One (1) boardroom - Two (2) private washrooms
The Space
Base Rent$22.00/sf/yr
Additional Rent$12.20/sf/yr
Available Space4,630 ft²
Suite Number123/124
Lease TypeDirect
Service TypeNet
The Building - Riverway Business Park
These units are primly located in the Riverway Business Park, which is situated just a ½ block off of the high volume intersection of Marine Way and Byrne Road and directly across the street from Marine Way Market and The Big Bend Shopping Centre which host approximately 600,000 sq. ft. of retail services including Cactus Club, VanCity, TD Canada Trust, Canadian Tire, Starbucks and Tim Hortons. This property also enjoys quick and easy access to all major transportation networks linking your company to all of Metro Vancouver’s key business markets.
Property TypeIndustrial
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