  • 204A - 3430 Brighton Avenue, Burnaby, BC
  • 204A - 3430 Brighton Avenue, Burnaby, BC floorplan

3,871 ft²

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- Front and rear office windows - Front area reception - Air conditioning, t-bar ceiling and fluorescent lighting - Four (4) private offices and boardroom - Lunchroom - Large storage area - Two (2) washrooms - Clean room - Security bars, alarm system - 3 phase electrical service

The Space
Base Rent$23.00/sf/yr
Additional Rent$8.40/sf/yr
Available Space3,871 ft²
Suite Number204A
Lease TypeDirect
Service TypeNet

The Building

The subject property enjoys high exposure to the large traffic flows along Lougheed Highway and is directly across the Street from the Lake City Sky Train Station. This property offers the utmost in convenience and access to your employees and to the movement of your companies goods and services to all points of the lower mainland via the Sky Train, the Trans-Canada Highway and the Lougheed Highway.

Property TypeIndustrial
Up to $500K for British Columbia businesses
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