  • 203 - 4790-4830 Rue Jean-Talon Ouest, Montréal, QC

17,633 ft²
Office / Industrial / Other

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Taux de location Brut | Gross Rental Rate : $20.00 PI² / SF *chauffage inclus *heating included (Final lease will be based on a Net lease + Opex) Superficie | Area : +/- 17,633 PI² | SF Hauteur du plafond | Ceiling Height : +/-12' Quais de chargement | Loading docks : Plusieurs partagés | Several shared Chauffage | Heating : Inclus | Included Air climatisé | Air Conditioned : Oui | Yes Stationnement | Parking : Intérieur | sous-terrain Interior | undergound Gym avec deux salles de douche | Gym with two shower rooms Deux grandes salles de bains séparées pour les hommes et les femmes | Two separate Mens’ and Ladies’ washrooms with multiple stalls and sinks Bureaux fermés, salles de conférence et grands espaces ouverts | Closed offices, conference rooms and large open work spaces Cuisine complète | Full Kitchen Ascenseurs et monte-charge | Passenger and Freight Elevators Disponibilité | Availability : Immédiatement | Immediately Espace divisible / Dividable space

The Space
Base Rent$20.00/sf/yr
Available Space17,633 ft²
Suite Number203
Lease TypeDirect
Service TypeModified Gross
Conference Rooms2
Freight Elevators3
Private Restrooms2
Passenger Elevators4

Central Heating
Kitchen Facilities

The Building
Property TypeOffice / Retail / Industrial / Other
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