1,254 ft²Retail$43.00/sf/yrLease
1,254 ft²
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Unit 102 - 1,254 SF / Op Cost: $14 PSF Availability: Immediately Net Rate: $29.00 PSF Zoning: C-COR2 For more information or to set up a tour please contact: Mahmud Rahman P (403) 930-8651 E mrahman@blackstonecommercial.com Randy Wiens P (403)930-8649 E rwiens@blackstonecommercial.com
The Space
Base Rent$29.00/sf/yr
Additional Rent$14.00/sf/yr
Available Space1,254 ft²
Suite Number102
Lease TypeDirect
Service TypeNet
Lease Term5 years
Year Built2005
The Building - Little Saigon Centre
• High visibility with access to 17th Avenue SE • Demographics show 50% of the population in the community is between the ages of 25 to 54 years of age. • Major east/west and north/south thoroughfares with high traffic volume of +/- 45,000 VPD (along 17th Ave SE) • Improvements to 17th Avenue SE include the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), wider sidewalks, improved biking facilities, and new urban character elements.
Property TypeRetail
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