11.67 ACLandContactSale
Exclusive opportunity to purchase one of the last large waterfront development sites in BC, the Nelson Landing (11.67 Acres + 0.75 Acre Water Lease). A truly unique multiphase development site with potential for multifamily strata condos, rental and hospitality uses along with a marina, moorage and water lot with slips. This incredible trophy site promises fundamental upside from unprecedented housing demand and a growing population in beautiful Nelson BC.
The subject property is a very well located and large development site. In the immediate area, several hundred multifamily units have been constructed in recent years and all are occupied with unprecented low vacancy for the area. The subject site is located in an area that is known as the Waterfront East and the OCP defines this area as consisting of “RCMP offices, low density development (i.e. John’s Walk and Beatty Avenue), the former Kootenay Forest Product site, and privately owned land commonly referred to as Red Sands Beach”. The subject is essentially the last undeveloped land parcel in an area that contains most of Nelsonʼs newest multiple family housing. The area is bisected by the CPR tracks. The Nelson planning department has indicated that the maximum building height is greater at the eastern end of the south section and, depending on design, could facilitate a 4 storey building.